Paradise Valley Municipal Court

Court Type:Municipal Court
Street Address:6401 E Lincoln Drive
City:Paradise Valley
Zip Code:85253
Phone: 480-948-7411
Hours:Monday - Thursday: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Website URL:
Judge:Hon. J. Tyrrell Taber
Parking:Park in the designated court lot. Parking is free.
Restrictions:Visitors are required to pass through metal detectors Items brought into the courthouse go through xray machines
Forms & Filing:Forms
Languages:Documents are supplied in multiple languages. Onsite Spanish translators.
Special Access:Sound amplifiers are provided to those who have hearing difficulties.
About / Additional Info:The Paradise Valley Municipal Court is the independent judicial branch of the Town government. The Judges are appointed by the Town Council. The Hearing Officers are appointed by the Presiding Judge.