Gilbert Municipal Court

Court Type:Municipal Court
Street Address:85 E. Civic Center Drive
Zip Code:85296
Phone:(480) 503-6000
Fax:(480) 503-6712
Hours:7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Website URL:
Judge:Hon. David Cutchen
Parking:Park in the front lot of the courthouse Parking is free
Restrictions:Visitors are required to pass through metal detectors. Items brought into the courthouse go through xray machines
Forms & Filing:Forms
Jury Service:Jury Duty
Languages:Documents are supplied in multiple languages Onsite Spanish translators
Special Access:The Gilbert Municipal Court is committed to providing access to justice services to everyone regardless of origin or disability. If you require an accommodation due to disability please select the ADA link below or call the court at (480) 635-7800 for more information.