Gila Bend Municipal Court

Court Type:Municipal Court
Street Address:209 E. Pima Street
City:Gila Bend
Zip Code:85337
Hours:Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Website URL:
Judge:Hon. Joe B. Getzwiller
Judge Phone:928-683-2651
Judge Fax / Email:
Parking:Park is located on the east and south sides of the building. Parking is free.
Restrictions:Visitors are required to pass through metal detectors
Languages:Documents are supplied in multiple languages
Special Access:Sound amplifiers are provided to those who have hearing difficulties. Please provide, notice as soon as possible if you require language and disability services
About / Additional Info:The Town of Gila Bend's municipal court works in partnership with the Maricopa County Justice Courts, as a consolidated court system, saving both governmental entities considerable funds, while maintaining localized, efficient services.