Kingman Municipal Court

Court Type:Municipal Court
Street Address:310 North 4th Street
Zip Code:86401
Phone: (928) 753-5561
Fax: (928) 753-6867
Hours:Monday - Thursday: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Website URL:
Judge:Hon. Jeffrey Singer
Parking:Park on the side of the courthouse. Parking is free.
Restrictions:Children are not allowed in the courtroom, unless it is a protective order hearing or the child is requested
Forms & Filing:Forms
Divisions / Services:Diversion Program
Special Access:At the entrance, a ramp is available for easier accessibility
About / Additional Info:The Kingman Municipal Court is located in a building constructed in 1896 and formerly known as The Little Red School House where grades 1st - 8th attended school until 1928. In 1974, the building was placed on the Register of Historic Buildings. In 1992, decided to renovate the building and it has been home to the Municipal Court since.