Bullhead City Municipal Court

Court Type:Municipal Court
Street Address:1255 Marina Boulevard
City:Bullhead City
Zip Code:86442
Hours:Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Website URL:https://www.bullheadcity.com/government/departments/municipal-court
Judge:Hon. Peter Psareas
Parking:Park in the front lot of the courthouse. Parking is free.
Restrictions:No children under the age of 14 (unless having business with the court and accompanied by a parent or guardian. No cell phones. No food or drinks. No tank tops, swimsuit tops, hats or thong-type shoes. No weapons.
Special Access:Please notify the court at filing if you are in need of any language access assistance and arrangements will be made
About / Additional Info:The Bullhead City Municipal Court does not handle the following: domestic relations, divorces, civil claims, including small claims, passports, marriage licenses, and landlord/tenant issues.