Prescott Valley Municipal Court

Court Type:Municipal Court
Street Address:7501 E Skoog Blvd, 1st Floor
City:Prescott Valley
Zip Code:86314
Hours:Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Website URL:
Judge:Hon. Keith Carson
Judge Fax / Email:
Parking:There are a sufficient amount of parking spaces in front of Prescott Valley Municipal Court
Restrictions:Anyone who wishes to use a camera or take photos in Magistrate Court must have the permission of the Court in advance. Permission is granted on a case-by-case basis.
Divisions / Services:Defensive Driving Diversion Program
Languages:Documents are supplied in multiple languages. Onsite Spanish translators.
About / Additional Info:The Magistrate Court, also known as the Municipal Court, hears the following types of cases:Misdemeanor criminal conduct that occurs within the Prescott Valley Town limits, such as assault, trespass, disturbing the peace, domestic violence, and Town Code violationsCriminal and civil traffic offensesLimited juvenile mattersPetitions for Orders of Protection and Injunctions Against Harassment