Justice Courts – Coconino County, Arizona

Court Type:Justice Court
Street Address:200 N. San Francisco St.
Zip Code:86001
Hours:Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Website URL:http://www.coconino.az.gov/186/Justice-Courts
Judge:Hon. Howard Grodman
Clerk:Valerie Wyant
Parking:Public parking is available throughout downtown Flagstaff, the user is limited to 2 hours before having to move the vehicle to a new location.
Restrictions:No firearms or weapons permitted.No food or drink allowed.The wearing of hats and sunglasses is prohibited in the court room.Use of cell phones is prohibited. Please turn them off, or set them to silent mode.
Forms & Filing:Justice Court Forms
Languages:Documents are supplied in multiple languages. Onsite translators and ASL interpreters. Please provide, at least a 5-day notice if you require language services.